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Stephanie Ersfeld-Friedenstab

Stephanie Ersfeld-Friedenstab

Attorney Ersfeld-Friedenstab has been working as a specialist lawyer for family law and mediator since 1997 and has many years of experience in advising and representing both out-of-court and in-court civil law. In addition to family law, her focus is also on inheritance law; she is also a certified mediator.

Attorney Ersfeld-Friedenstab is represented in the German Lawyers 'Association (Deutscher Anwaltverein), Cologne Lawyers' Association (Kölner Anwaltverein) and is a member of the German Family Court Association (Deutscher Familiengerichtstag e.V.) Deutschen Anwaltverein, Kölner Anwaltverein und als Mitglied im Deutschen Familiengerichtstag e.V. aktiv.

Verny & Dauses are i.a. represented in